Posted on : Jan.6,2005 07:15 KST Modified on : Jan.6,2005 07:15 KST

Companies are increasing their budgets for contributing to social causes, even during the economic stagnation. That is a welcome phenomenon, because it will be a big help to needy fellow citizens and play a part in appeasing the people's anti-corporate sentiments. However, there are many things that need improvement.

To begin with, there needs to be more resolute philosophy on the part of corporate CEO's about activities that contribute to society. In Korea that is still thought of as the giving of donations at the end of the year or in the wake of natural disasters. Too often people show no particular interest in social needs only to make big donations when it’s the right time to make a good impression, as bestowing great benevolence. Now, however, it must be understood that contributing to society is something that is essential business activity for the coexistence of business and society.

The activity must be approached strategically. In other words, it must not be allowed to stop at being about helping the poor and volunteer work. Going beyond that will require there first be dedicated structures within companies and that they begin by engaging in structured research about corporate responsibility. They need to work with local communities and civic groups to see what it is that's needed and actively seek out places suitable for help from the company in question. The scope of such activities needs to be expanded and made more diverse, to include among other areas the fields of culture and the environment.

There needs to be more government support for this activity. Companies that actively contribute to society should be given commensurate benefits. It would be worth thinking about extra points when they bid for contracts and other ideas, aside from the usual tax benefits. Depending on how you look at it, this is the private sector doing something the government should be doing, so the government should not be ignoring the issue.

It is a welcome development that conglomerates such as Samsung, LG, and SK have recently formed their own departments dedicated to service to society. It is also fortunate that no small number of companies are also opening their eyes to the need for this. One hopes to see the trend spread and take place in an organized fashion. By doing so companies will become one with society and receive the people's love.

The Hankyoreh, 6 January 2005.

[Translations by Seoul Selection (PMS)]

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