Posted on : Jan.7,2005 06:53 KST Modified on : Jan.7,2005 06:53 KST

The Fair Trade Commission (FTC) is going to open up bureau director-level positions (gukjang-geup) to internal competition and then have them sign performance agreements. A few government agencies have tried the same thing for a limited number of bureau and department heads, but this is the first time it has been tried with such a large number of bureau director-level positions. That is why the first thing one notices about this plan by the FTC to improve its personnel management is the originality of the idea. If done right, one expects it will increase transparency in the personnel management for civil servants and increase their energy and creativity. One naturally also expects negative side effects, so there will also need to be a plan to deal wit those.

Civil servants have played a considerable role in having our society develop into what it is today, and their role in the days to come will not be small. Such is the case, and still they are sometimes the object of negative criticism, particularly that they often act with organizational egoism and do not work hard enough at self-reform, and are subsequently unable to keep up with the pace of social development. It goes without saying that the way the current system places importance on rank and seniority and restricts the influx of personnel from outside the civil service organization is a major reason for those problems. Realizing this, the government has implemented a program of open civil service and exchange between agencies, but perhaps because the area covered is limited there have not been impressive results. The FTC's new measures might make up for the weakness in the government's program, because if the plan succeeds, it is very likely other government departments will follow.

There is one particular area that needs to be given a lot of attention for the plan to be successful. There has to be accurate employee assessment, since that will be one of the indicators used to assess performance. Some people worry that superior level officers will not be able to work according to their convictions out of a desire to win the popularity of those under them. The in-house personnel committee needs to be operated with impartiality as well.

The FTC should be watched as there is consideration given to reforming the whole of personnel management in the civil service. Many areas need to be looked at, such as selection and promotion methods and the rank system. There is even more of a need for this, as the civil servants union is now officially able to act as a legal organization.

The Hankyoreh, 7 January 2005.

[Translations by Seoul Selection (PMS)]

  • 오피니언


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