Posted on : Mar.8,2005 07:23 KST Modified on : Mar.8,2005 07:23 KST

It is around this time each year that problem of distortions of history in Japanese school textbooks becomes flare up again, because Japan's far-right elements are on a massive offensive in time for Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology announcement about the results of history textbook approval and the choosing of textbooks in Japan's schools. This year it is more serious, because the education ministry is leading the way in spreading textbooks with historical distortions. You have serious doubts about Japan as you wonder if that is what Japan is made of.

On Sunday senior vice education minister Hakubun Shimomura recklessly said, "education in a masochist view of history based in Marxism-Leninism" is taking place because of a legal clause requiring that the textbooks be considering of Japan's neighbors. Last November education minister Education Minister Nariaki Nakayama said it is "really a good thing that there are less expressions describing 'comfort women' or 'forced detainment'" in the latest school textbooks.

Shimomura is the general secretary at the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform, and Nakayama was once the organization's president. The group was formed to do away with descriptions about the comfort women and forced conscription. A few days ago a textbook reviewer and the head of the textbook section at the education ministry attended the society's general assembly, where they announced that the government would work to create an environment advantageous to having schools adopt the problematic schoolbooks.

Right now the Japanese education ministry is moving as one with the far-right elements that follow the same old imperialist and ultra-nationalist thinking. That is very unfortunate not only for Japan's Asian neighbors but for Japan as well. You cannot find a place to stand on the international stage when you think it is "masochism" to recognize what you have done wrong in history and be aware of your responsibility.

It is at least fortunate that civic groups and conscientious scholars in Japan are campaigning against the adoption of these textbooks by the country's schools. The Korean government and civic groups need to formulate structured measures and take constructive action. Ahead of that however, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi must be strongly urged to resolve the issue before the situation worsens.

The Hankyoreh, 8 March 2005.

[Translations by Seoul Selection (PMS)]

  • 오피니언


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